January 4, 2009

movies weekend

We agreed we have been watching a movie every time we meet. This weekend they were Yes Man! and Ong Bak 2. I began to wonder aloud if we are beginning to get bored with each other and just want to spend time together watching movie after movie. I decided to throw a tantrum for a while. I started to accuse my man for not wanting to meet but still dragged himself out despite feeling a lil under the weather. Of cos I know, we want to spend time with each other whenever possible. I want to come up with a to-do-list for us. Not just dinner, movie, long walks, I want to fly the kite, cycle, jog, swim, picnic, trek, volunteer and check out touristy stuffs. Otherwise I'd end up cranky and start arguing with myself cos my man will only keep quiet ( to Phil, that's not being nonchalant.. just keeping his silence ) as I grumble all my gibberish away. He reminds me that there is always pay back time. Woo scary...

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