September 21, 2008


Saturday rainy day i saw that familiar person i haven't seen for almost two years. From a distance he looked very much the same. That boy in his usual running singlet and shorts with a cap. We didn't come to a meet and walked in opposite directions. Time definitely changed Woon to be the man he wants to be and in the bliss of being a hubby to a woman who accepts him the way he is, with love. I saw her picture in a wedding gown via facebook in a portion which says "people you may know". She looked happy minus make-up. That brings memories to my mind. I remember Woon used to rub off my make-up and telling me i looked great without clogging the pores and also the irony of it when he commented how other women beautify themselves and carry themselves well, during our last month as a couple. Changes, the only word I'd reason for the almost sudden death of our future together and life as officially Mrs Goh. If love is a test of time which people around me ever comfortingly said, glad you know him now before you marry him, dear. Actually till now i refused to see Woon in a bad light. He was a wonderful boyfriend i loved that much to bring home and hurt my parents in ways i never thought i would. I never regretted my 44months in the roller coaster ride relationship which brought highlights to my inability to control my emotions.

To the second man in my heart, my love is yours to keep and even when you do not want it anymore, it can never be recycled. I'm dating a man who loves me. Perhaps this is my blessing in life which made me feel closer to my faith. I learnt to let go of the baggage, I appreciate the beauty in living a colourful life filled with love, openness and willingness to get up when i fall. I was Woon-ed and grew up to get out of my fairy tale belief.

September 14, 2008

lanterns frenzy

Happy mid-autumn all.. i'm buzy. will blog on a later note. supposed to be revising since i am so lazy to do spring cleaning.. but i end up shopping online. happy when i received emails telling me the availability of my orders.. but when all 4 are paid, i wonder eh wat the hell am i doing?? =P they must have had a voodoo charm on me even without sales!? Time to study..