May 16, 2008


Running. I have been running. Trying to get out of this maze. This cage that seems to have no doors. I feel so suffocated; so trapped. Have been trying to run out of your very presence but it haunts. It haunts me day and night. No matter how I try to run and hide. Your presence is still so strong. Let me go, let me go. I plead. Please. I feel like a dog all leashed up to a person who cares not for it. No. Please. Show me the door. I'm tired of the running. Tired of the hiding. It is too tiring. I can't seem to shake it off. I can't seem to shake it off. I'm paranoid. You seem to be spying on my every move. Every word that I say. Every person I hang out with seems to be monitored by your eyes. Fear strikes. I'm afraid. Please... Shake off your presence from me before insanity comes down on ME.

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