April 14, 2008

life as such

This morning a customer broke down right in front of me. Almost everyone thought i made her cry. At least my colleagues misunderstood the drama. Oh well, i must have had this reputation of making anyone cry.

She lost her beloved Dad. It took just a split second for a change of emotion. She left my counter to do a little more shopping. When she came back, the friendly lady was in a state of a breakdown.

"Hang in there. Wait for me" She spoke to self,shivering.
Another call shortly left her in hysteria.
"Is he gone? Hello! Is he gone? He's gone?.." she sobbed.
Her tears flowed uncontrollably.
"Why didn't he wait for me?" she wailed.
I feel for her. I got a colleague to bring her in. She collapsed on the floor crying loudly with the repeated questioning.
Instead of offering condolences, the cleaner was really tactless.
"oi your lau pa die,go home cry la! mad woman come here and cry.."

Needed to say, I snapped at the elderly for her uncalled for comments.

I thought of Dad. Lately, Mum has been feeling rather down. She has depression. Everyone at home treats my hero coldly. I dread going through all these nonsense. I don't like having to worry for my parents. I don't wish to be behaving as if I'm parenting them instead. I wish they'd settle issues amiably. Stress keep me closer to snacks and further from quality sleep. Yann gaining weight doesn't mean I'm happy. Neither does that conclude I'm depressed. It only means I'm in need of weight control. It is just how I manage my stress with work, school and family. It isn't easy at all worrying if my Mum'd run away again.. or Dad getting very upset over all the unnecessary hurtful accusation.

"Dad, I do love you. Can you please try to help me out? I'm tired trying to be a grown up child. I'm sure it's not easy for Mum to play your role at home. We need you too."

"Mum, during your sleepless nights, I do keep you in my prayers. Can you don't criticise Dad so much and leading my sisters to behave disrespectful towards Dad too? "

Cherish what we still have. No point to regret only when our loved ones are gone. Everyone have their own way to show their love. If it's so difficult to trust, does that show how true love is?

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