June 20, 2010

thru papa's love

MAYBE i just can't live with loneliness. I don't mind being alone but being lonely never fails to make me miserable. To me being alone is a choice. I don't lack company. There is always things to do with companionship. I came home to an empty house every Sat, lately. My family would be at aunt's. Then again even when my family is home, I still feel lonely. While the rest watched TV and I want to join them, they never include me in their conversation. Yes, the walls have been my friends. Soon, these walls would even be my family. Only when Papa comes home, I feel I'm home. He will make sure we eat together and talk over issues at work and health. The amount of quality talk was shared between besties; Hiddy and Phil is definitely more than anyone I spoke to, at home. Sad but true. Papa's love is most vocal or the least, I'd hear in my loneliness.

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