May 1, 2010

May I

It has been weeks since I last scribbled anything here. I'm in my second last trimester for school. I am looking forward to complete my part time studies. I'm also very much looking forward to my cousin's wedding cos that is when I'd be on my annual leave! It's time for a break and I'm hoping to get a new job real soon. It's May Day; the RECRUIT section of the Straits Times caught my attention: TIME TO MOVE ON. It shares five signs which tells you that it is time to seek greener pastures.


I thought things through about my job. I've always had high expectations of myself and since my transfer to this branch, I haven't been happy. There's plenty of negative aura coming from unappreciative customers and unmotivated colleagues. My manager told me that I'm always too strong-willed about being right. The fact is customers are always right! Once, based on the service compliance I refused a customer's remittance request. He demanded to see my manager. She proceeded with the transaction. She didn't even know why I refused such a routine transaction. I explained. Guess what? She told me that I'd have just stopped her! I told her in my experience, I'd also know how to work with discretion. She is my superior which means she'd have the authority to refuse the customer firmly. I cannot bend rules just to please customers who are louder.

I had a traumatic phrase recently where I was sexually harassed by a regular customer who insulted the modesty of women. I made a police report only cos my company did not take any prompt action about my safety. The incident had caused me emotional distress for a few nights. It is really disappointing when my manager took the matter lightly. She commented that nothing will happen to me since the man cannot do anything in broad daylight. Either she is unemphatic or this is definitely not the proper way to deal with grievance. Family and close friends showed their support. They provided the listening ear and shoulder to cry on.

Mama encouraged me to get a new job. I'm thankful for her blessings and understanding. I need not take all the nonsense from work. I have given myself a deadline to quit! Just thinking of no longer having to put up with the unhappiness brings smiles to my face and heart. May God bless me with the strength to pull through this period. What I know and believe is, everything is gonna be alright! God is just helping me see what I truly want to do, thru the trials at work.

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