March 22, 2008

detached rhythm

Two blind pools of umber were entranced by the screen in front of the figure. She, the figure, blankly stared at the screen as her fingers moved with a detatched rhythm. Effortless.

I am back with the four-letter word i used to frequent. The days i took to erase traces of every written evidence seem wasted. BLOG was my outlet to unleash my madness of the broken-hearted. Hundreds of my entries were emotionally updated. 'na ge nan ren' was the infamous.

Why start to blog again? Keep track of my thoughts and make sense out of the scribbles without rhythm? Perhaps...

Came into class late with my two partners in crime who waited for me. Which means I came in later this time around. I occupied my morning with three Econs analysis' cosmetic touch-ups. Just when i thought the madness of rushing the portfolio is over, we were given a surprise test! Nice one, Lily. Test or no test, i'd care less about the mental stress the word brings!? Just a quiz on market structure which Hiddy and I did together. We agreed we should study intensively for our exams coming right up. I find the relationship with knowledge best.

We went out after tutorials. An elderly slipped as we walked past him. We offered to help him up. I watched him reach out for something. His glasses? Walking stick? Something else? My eyes darted to a burning cigarette on the floor. Nevermind the pain having that fall. So long he has his narcotine fix. Now that is something to show priorities.I have my analytical views on the stranger who is probably thrice my age. My conclusion? He is a die-hard smoker who is in pain only now..

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